Anodyne Research

The Efficacy of Monochromatic Infrared Photo-Thermal Energy Therapy in Rehabilitation: A Pilot Study report

Stanley Paul, Yuanlong Liu, Robert McAlister Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. January-March 2010, Vol. 4, No. 1 Study Summary The 20 patients who qualified for this study were diagnosed with diabetes, chronic pain and impaired skin detection to the 10 gram Semmes Weinstein Monofilament (SWM) in the lower extremities. The patients received a


A Combined Treatment Protocol for Patients With Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Wendy M. Ferx, MS, PT; Meredith R. Hall, DPT FEDERAL PRACTITIONER, September 2015, 68-73 Study Summary All of the 33 patients who qualified for this study (conducted at a Veterans Administration Hospital) were diagnosed with diabetes, foot pain, discomforting foot sensations and impaired balance. All patients first received 12 clinic-based treatments that included Anodyne and manual physical


Reversal of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy with MIRE

Reversal of diabetic peripheral neuropathy with phototherapy (MIRE™) decreases falls and the fear of falling and improves activities of daily living in seniors Mark W. Powell, Dale H. Carnegie, Thomas J. Burke Age and Ageing 2006; 35: 11–16 Study Summary The 252 patients who qualified for this study suffered from type 2 Diabetes. They all self-treated with the Anodyne at home


Improved Sensitivity in Patients with Peripheral Neuropathy Effects of Monochromatic Infrared Photo Energy

Salvatore L. DeLellis, DPM, Dale H. Carnegie, DPM, Thomas J. Burke, PhD J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 95(2): 143-147, 2005 Study Summary The 1047 patients who qualified for this study suffered from pain/discomforting foot sensations. 75% of patients were diagnosed with diabetes and the remainder were diagnosed with other conditions that may have been associated their symptoms. 


Monochromatic Infrared Photo Energy and Physical Therapy for Peripheral Neuropathy: Influence on Sensation, Balance and Falls

Alan B. Kochman, MSPT J. Geriatr Phys Ther. 2004; 27(1):16-19 Study Summary The 38 elderly patients who qualified for this study were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, discomforting foot sensations, significant balance impairments, and history of prior falls. Patients received an average of 13 treatments consisting of Anodyne and physical therapy. Results 100% of patients obtained relief


Restoration of Sensation, Reduced Pain, and Improved Balance in Subjects With Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study with monochromatic near-infrared treatment David R. Leonard, MD, FACE, Hamed Farooqi, MD, FACE, Sara Myers, RN Diabetes Care 27:168–172, 2004 Study Summary All 27 patients who qualified for this study were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, foot pain/discomforting foot sensations and impaired balance. Patients received either 6 or 12 Anodyne treatments rendered in a


Improvement of Sensory Impairment in Patients with Peripheral Neuropathy

Joseph Prendergast, MD, Galdina Miranda, MA, Manuel Sanchez, MA 24 ENDOCRINE PRACTICE Vol 10 No. 1 January/February 2004 Study Summary The 27 patients who qualified for this study exhibited pain/discomforting foot sensations and abnormal sensory values using a Neurometer device.  21 patients were diagnosed with diabetes and 6 were diagnosed with other conditions that may have been


Improved Foot Sensitivity and Pain Reduction in Patients with Peripheral Neuropathy After Treatment with Monochromatic Infrared Photo Energy—MIRE

Lawrence B. Harkless, DPM, Salvatore DeLellis, DPM, Dale H. Carnegie, DPM, Thomas J. Burke, PhD Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 20 (2006) 81– 87 Study Summary The 2,239 patients who qualified for this study all experienced foot pain. These patients obtained foot pain relief after receiving an average of 16 treatments that included Anodyne and physical therapy. 60% of


Infrared Photo Energy May Reduce Neuropathic Pain

Near infrared light therapy, together with physical therapy, may be able to reduce pain in neuropathy patients and possibly reduce medication dosage levels of those undergoing drug therapy. Thomas J. Burke, PhD Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, July/August 2007 Study Summary The 493 patients who qualified for this study experienced extreme foot pain prior to treatment. All


Monochromatic Infrared Photo Energy in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Tarek A. Ammar, PT, PhD ISRN Rehabilitation, Volume 2012, Article ID 484307, 8 pages Study Summary All of the 35 patients who qualified for this study were diagnosed with diabetes, foot pain/discomforting foot sensations and impaired balance.  Half of patients received 12 treatments that included Anodyne, manual physical therapy and home exercise. The remainder received the