“Peripheral Neuropathy destroyed my life”.
Our company was born out of necessity. Our CEO and licensed Physical Therapist John Magee had grown incredibly frustrated with the limited and unsuccessful treatment options available to his mother Marion. Marion was 59 years old and a type 2 diabetic when she was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy in both her feet.
Marion had diminished sensation and pain in her feet, due to diminished sensation and an inability to feel the ground, her balance suffered greatly. In just 12 months she had fallen 3 times, each time she suffered a head injury causing 3 TIA’s (mini stroke’s).
Marion was prescribed medications that are typically prescribed for peripheral neuropathy. Not only did the drugs not help but one of the many side effects was dizziness! Marion was already suffering with balance problems. Dizziness from the medications made the balance and falls worse. Marion lost total confidence in walking and became house bound. This culminated in further physical and mental deterioration.
In Marion’s words “Peripheral Neuropathy destroyed my life”.
This unfortunate series of events encouraged John to begin a crusade. A crusade that took 3 years to research and develop the most evidenced based peripheral neuropathy treatment system that he could find, one that actually works, and, does not involve drugs, shots or surgery!
Marion was John’s first patient, she achieved fantastic results. Her pain level dropped considerably and had full sensation back in her feet. More importantly, Marion was able to leave her apartment and go shopping again with her two daughters without fearing she would fall.
To date; the Peripheral Neuropathy Private Practice system has taught a wealth of practice owners across the US and Europe how to attract, assess and successfully treat patients just like John’s mum.

The Peripheral Neuropathy Private Practice system has taught a wealth of practice owners across the US and Europe how to attract, assess and successfully treat patients.
Want to know more?
Look at the links below or get in contact with us
Watch Our Video
Find out how the Peripheral Neuropahy Private Practice System works.
Discover how you can boost your income by attracting neuropathy patients, and learning how to assess and treat them effectively.
Simpy watch our video then get in touch or order here.
Are you ready to grow your practice and increase profitability using our evidence-based “Peripheral Neuropathy Private Practice System”?
We teach Physical Therapist’s, Chiropractors, Podiatrists and Medical doctors how to attract, assess and successfully treat Peripheral Neuropathy patients using our natural non-invasive, evidence-based therapy protocol. A protocol that does NOT involve drugs, shots or surgery.